Raven’s Progressive Matrices

Raven’s Progressive Matrices is a classical non-verbal test used to measure abstract reasoning and fluid intelligence. The test has been developed by John C. Raven since 1936. It consists of 60 visual questions created by logical matrices, the users shall choose the correct answer in 6 or 8 available multiple-choice questions. The questions are made in sequences from easy to difficult to identify the different parts of your liquid intelligence.
This is a completely non-linguistic test so it is fair across cultures and thus becomes the world’s most famous and popular test. Over the 86 years since its publication, Raven’s Progressive Matrices has been widely used by psychologists and the test has been accepted as a standard to join some famous organizations such as The Triple Nine Society, The International Society for Philosophical Enquiry,…
The test has clinical and neurological evaluation, educational placement, occupational assessment, adult neurology treatment and aptitude research.This test has been used and trusted by professional psychologists for near 100 years in 151 countries, in particular the United States.
Nowadays, along with the development of the Internet, people often encounter tests spreading on social networks, but the accuracy and reliability of these tests are not confirmed. Most of them give inaccurate results, even exaggerating the results of the testers to increase the number of visitors. Our site is proudly authorized exclusively to publish online Raven’s Progressive Matrices test from 1936 with the latest Raven’s Progressive Matrices test edition. The test was conducted and based on a random sample of 42 000 individuals in accordance with the 2010 US Census. These individuals are randomly chosen to each age, gender and the region of the United States. In 2011, the online version of Raven’s Progressive Matrices test launched, so far the site has made 122 700 online tests for everyone. They come from all over the world, from different sectors, different age groups. The statistics we have been among the largest, most diverse types in the world. Therefore, through the adjustment and use of computational tools, we release the most up-to-date system of classification and measurement based on Raven’s Progressive Matrices test, with accuracy up to 98.6% .
The higher your results is, the higher your chance of success at levels is. This test evaluates your intellectual potential rather than your expression under pressure. Thus, to provide the most comfortable test environment for all users, we do not limit the time for testers. Often people complete the exam in less than 30 minutes.
Appropriate age for the test: Raven’s Progressive Matrices test is used for ages from 6 to 85 years old.
This complete test consists of a series of 60 questions, divided into 2 sets. The degree of difficulty will be increased and the logic of the questions will be increasingly complex and difficult to distinguish. Candidates must select the most suitable question to answer.